Middle of the night, and we're all still awake..
I wasted somemore time going around kacau-ing people. Even Rebecca and Echo who's usually asleep by 12am are staying up to read some articles for their law. So are Amber, Ling, Hung, Peggy and the rest. Min is up too. But she had an altogether different reason - KOREAN drama. heheh I figured the Internet would provide less of a distraction for me if I borrowed her my comp (instead of checking my mail incessantly / blogsurfing etc..) plus a set of the latest drama. She just finished a straight 7 hours sitting in front of the comp watching 6 episodes. Darn I think she's hooked 'dy! We're all awake and (WERE) rather hyper. Having (had) some sort of food exchange thingy on, I shared my tub of ice-cream with the rest hehe not a bad midnight snack..
Danny's thinking of going for a day trip somewhere. But our weekends lately are wholly spent on working on the next assignments. Looking at our schedules, it'd be at least 2 weeks before we can take some time off.. Finally I tell him - lookit this. This's what uni is like. You're given deadlines, there're also mid-sem tests to be sat for. At the same time you have to prepare for tutorials and attend lectures. Oh, and find time to sleep and eat. If you forgo your lectures n tutes in return for more time to complete assignments, then you're gonna have a harrowing time when it comes to June (finals) - you get some, you lose some. Bcos our dear Monash uni does not have any sort of study week before the finals. The last lecture for the semester could be on Thursday night, and the final exam covering 13 weeks worth of topics is on the next Tuesday morning. You can't possible cover an entire semester's work in 3 days. And thats only one unit. Business students take at least 4.
There's a choice of course - sacrifice your sleep. Of course its highly unrecommended for those who cannot tahan without their daily 8 hours of sleep.. Me - looking right at another night without any sleep. Just finished reading up on futures contracts and there's a ton more to go through for the oh-so-tough test at 6pm tomorrow. Futures contracts - BAHH. Lecture example different from tute example different from textbook example. damn frustrated. cos my mind seems to be made of mush now.
As you realize by now, this's just a ramble without much substance of any sort.. I need to stay awake and really abit "sien" of looking at work already.. hence blogging- a distraction for all of 10 minutes.
I'm wondering how long I can tahan in my current phase of "not sleep much". A friend was telling me "wey there's no such thing as being sleep-deficient for days and then trying to make up for it (compensating arrangement think of it this way) by getting a full nights sleep".
My logic (faulty yes i know) is sleep a few hours a day eg 2 - 4 hours each day for 5 days. On the 6th day, ganti balik by getting 12 hours sleep. Averagin it out there's (20+12hours) / 6 days equals 5.3 hours a day.
Good enough =)
Tomorrow's Friday (usually my "get-to-sleep" night) but another discussion on Sat morning means I've to go thru some more stuff tomorrow night when I get back from the exam. Which means a night of uninterrupted sleep with the lights switched OFF is a prospect only on Saturday night. Depressing thoughts in abundance aihh...