Monday, March 19, 2007


Welcome to a land of complimentary sauna services all year round, courtesy of the wunnerful weather.

Where else do people pay tolls for the 'privilege' of taking nearly 2 hours to travel from Semenyih to Sunway.

Its no wonder we can set records for cramming the most number of humans into a Perodua Kancil - visitors from out of KL kindly refer to Putra LRT Commuter Lesson 101 "How to fit the most-est people into the minimal space available".

The latest spate of weather is as if musim kemarau sudah bermula.

If all the above sounded unusual, everything else's the usual. Work's the usual. I've gotten more superficial. Haven't taken any off-days since last year and its about time I did.. Come what MAY?... hopefully in MAY I shall take a break.

I've been working, surviving, studying, spending, yamcha-ing. This blog's dead. Luckily I'm not.
