Monday, October 31, 2005

Apathy - plenty of it - in Malaysia

Just finished my tax law exam. Stuck in the lab, waiting for 'em to fix up the printer for the SINGLE piece of A4 award submission I need to print. Ahghh just one page! cmon!!

In my one and half years here, I haven't even stepped inside this particular building in uni. Small campus, everyone sez, but its my ideal. Facilities here're open for longer hours than Clayton's, surprisingly..

Anyways, to my real post topic. Been blogsurfing/newssurfing when I get bored of studying in the late hours. What I've been seeing is how increasingly racist Malaysia is. So many things happen which make me go "wah-liau another S T U P I D / waste-of-taxpayers-hard-earned-money issue". No being diplomatic with words. We'd worry about people being inefficient and all. Thats all right, they can work harder. But in not thinking things through before its done/said, thats irritating me. Seems as if so many people are still stuck in their own little world of ignorance.

If I don't like something, I'll voice out about it. If others experience the same thing as me, being typically apathetic "i-don't-want-to-get-into-any-trouble" or "i-don't-want-to-care" dear fellow Malaysians, probably 8 out of 10 will not raise the issue. Instead they'll mumble and grumble under their breath and say "if only i get the chance, then i'll blahblahblah". But by not voicing out, does that mean they don't feel aggrieved? No.

The problem is with apathy of course. Plus the total lack of being able to have any sort of meaningful discussions without accusations of "it's a sensitive issue" or "we have to respect -- by not bringing up this issues, else it'll cause unstability".

As a result, the current generation of Malaysians have been brought up to "see no evil, hear no evil" so they "say no evil". We can close our eyes, shut our ears. But the world still continues spinning, and other people move forward. In the meantime, we (Msia) grapple with our skills in English, our problems of identity (or lack thereof), race issues etc. The current generation care little about policy/thoughts of those in-charge. Thats because everyone's too worried about the bread and butter issues - jobs/economy/whether they can afford to go shopping mall during weekends/yearly holidays. Sometimes its not as if they don't care. Its because people feel powerless to change others. Most people say - why bother? Others (the increasing majority these days) say - migrate.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother too.

when I hear of "funny" things uttered/done now, I just go "dah biasa la" (its the norm).. so unfortunate.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

an early-morning post again..

I can finally study for the exams.. particularly the one on Monday morning! What with all the liquidation, annual report and research for assignments, I've hardly had time to sit down and study properly. Sure, I could've done the assignments earlier, but before that, there were OTHER deadlines, which were more important. Time time time I need more of you!!

My housemates are dears, really. They've noticed my food consumption typically consists of noodles, coffee, tea, or takeaway food lately. Amusingly, some of 'em thought I wasn't even in the house during the week - proves how much I stay "hibernating" in my room being preoccupied with work. Hence yesterday two of them (non-Malaysians) made dinner (which included a really great Malaysian curry chicken!), and tonight I'm getting another meal.

damn bahagia :)

Too tired to take photos though. Haven't had much sleep over the week. Each night (and day, also) spent at my desk with the list of priorities in front of me, typically 15 hours a day if I don't step out of the house.

Surprisingly I don't get bored of my 12 hour long playlist on Media Player even though I've lost track of the times I've listened to it. Almost all are Chinese (Taiwanese) drama soundtracks, incl:
~爱情合约 (Love contract)
~战神 (Mars)
~真命天女 (Reaching for the Stars)
~恶男宅急电 (Express Boy)
~蔷薇之恋 (The Rose)

Eh I'm not watching all these dramas now, so don't nag. Although if you really want it, do let me know. I favour some of the soundtracks for particular reasons. Most contain some nice instrumental music, plus decent songs by not-so-mainstream artists, and even some really nice oldies..

Fate is a surprising thing sometimes. This week, of the times I've stepped out of the house, I've met this friend of mine each time (even met her yesterday in a relatively obscure location in Caulfield), which makes us think we're fated to meet. Its a comfortable feeling when you meet someone and just get along very well with him/her. Everything feels in sync, even though we don't share classes or anything. Very rare for me nowadays, as even close friends don't seem so "close" anymore.

I always speak of people moving on with their lives, as I grapple with the growing distances (and not only geographically, mind you). Its about time I moved on too..

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An uncomfortable night.

A slight bout of discomfort just now, experienced some shortness of breath. Immediately googled "asthma symptoms". ahh the wonders of technology. some warning signs present - dry throat, shortness of breath etc. A few puffs do the trick, for tonight at least.

Its been almost 10 years since my asthma last surfaced. Then, I thought it had gone away for good. Thank goodness my mother had the foresight to pack in an inhaler in my luggage when I returned to Melb this year. Came in very handy sometime in March/April when I got very sick in the middle of the night at the start of a weekend (when clinics are mostly closed). Then, I wasn't really sure whether it was asthma or not. Later only found out it was a mild-severe attack. It also mildly surfaced during last year's winter, and hence after some useful advice from a friend, I started wearing scarves more often this winter. And yeah its worked. Breathing cold air in is VERY VERY bad. Trust me on that.

But now, its spring and I wonder what's the trigger this time.
~Pollen? (shouldn't be, since I've been 'hibernating' at home, not much exposure to the outside).
~Cold air? (indeed its been cooler this week)
~Incopious amounts of coffee in my system?

Its a peculiar sensation. No wheezing but just tightness in chest and difficulty breathing in. So how do I describe this to the doc (if I see one?). Come to think of it, I won't be seeing one. Its too much trouble making an appointment to see the campus doctor, esp during exam period when they seem "particularly busy". Very amusing people they are, as I remember the last time I went to visit them, by the time of my appointment, my symptoms had already lessened.

Bah.. back to work.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


This week seems to be good to those seeking employment..

Congrats to
MinHui for landing the Starbucks stint! amusingly my dear friend here doesn't drink coffee. Laugh away, if you will. hahhha

Also hearty congratulations to Peggy!!! She's just told me about clinching that job! Peggy's someone who happily shares about all the recent dramas she's catching - one of my drama "kaki", with promises to "keep" some for me when I return next year. Once again I shall await a nice meal/drinks on her, but I told her -- wait till I'm back. Shouldn't we all go greeeeeen with envy --- Peggy gets ONE MONTH's worth of annual leave, plus 14 days sick leave. Madness, utter madness. This's Australia, my dears.

On other things.. I haven't really been keeping track of dates. Days just pass by, for what I keep track of are simply deadlines. I had only ticked off dates on my desk's calendar till the 11th Oct. With a slight bout of panic (only slight), I realised today is the 25th!! OMG there's just not enough time for me at the moment.

I'm still doing up assignments, and getting my head muddled up. Its simple to write the essay, the problem is getting to all the background information. Else its just arguments without substance. And due to my insistence, perhaps stubbornly, on delivering "quality" work, I refuse to just make a hash of it all.

Also listening to Leo Ku's latest album "Star Track", current song is a... if I may so describe it as - bizarre-sounding "梦中人". Initially thought it was a cover of the Faye Wong song but I don't think it is (after listening to it distractedly once)..

Shall end this post with a random snapshot of Melbourne..

A wet evening, taken from across Flinders St station with my mobile.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Too serious for my own good

Funny how I look at some things now. People's perception of me is usually this - serious/rational.

Now since when did I care what people thought of me? Nah I still don't. But I do care of my own friends' perceptions. Maybe its because of certain topics of discussion I delve into.

It certainly is very amusing talking to S.Ping on our changes in the past 2 years. The times when we've mutually supported each other, or when I've called just to hear a friendly voice, though she's way over the other side of the ocean. Certainly things have changed much in a little less than 2 years.

Now, when work piles up or something stuffs up, inevitably I look at the amusing side of events. Usually conversation starts with how much more work I still have, and I get abit hyper and in the end I just go "ahhh things aren't so bad". voila!

The mind is indeed a powerful thing.

Now, about being serious and all. Just last weekday, a friend got a taste of my unusual "un"seriousness. As a result, our dear friend now not only has to belanja nice dinner, but also now owes me a yet-to-be-decided present! Unfortunately that'll all have to wait till I get back next month. Hmm maybe I should do this more often. This's fun!

The not-so-fun bit -- I'm still buried under a ton of work. Acutely sleep deprived over the past few days, with accompanying bleak weather to teman me throughout the long days and nights. Forecast is rain rain rain rain rain all the way to goodness knows when. To top it off, my eyelids are shutting down on me. Great. Cue for a walk-about and a twirl in the room to 老情人...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Going back soon.. work next year?

No blog posts yesterday in memory of the passing of Datin Paduka Seri Endon Mahmood, wife of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. My sincere condolences to PM Badawi and his family.

Reports of sombre weather in KL yesterday reflects the kind of weather we had in Melbourne. The forecast for the weekend all the way to Tuesday is "thunderstorms/showers". Not very conducive weather for studying/doing assignments. But I welcome the cooler temperatures, and realise I'll miss the cool weather when I'm back in sweltering KL.

Going back home for the hols in a few weeks time, if all goes to plan. And will be looking for a job for duration of the 3 month break. But before that, I need to "fix" my resume up. I've got a CV and resume already, but getting some professional assistance will be extra help. Still thinking whether to apply for internships or a full time temporary job..

Been thinking about working life after graduation next June, and talking about it with different people. Gita has just decided to transfer her degree to part-time study as she wants to return to full time work. Very interesting each week when we meet, as she shares with me some of her experiences in Slovakia, London, Europe and also here. We talk alot about culture, expectations of life and more. How nice it is to have sorted out what you really want, and to have the freedom and ability to "just do it". I have sorted out what I want, but with limited resources, sometimes its not possible to carry some things out.

The important question - to work in Australia, Malaysia or another country after graduation next year, is one of my main considerations. Different people have been encouraging me to stay and work. Not that I seriously lack confidence, but as international students, we are hampered by the way things work here.

Abit of explanation is useful in explaining my conundrum. Most Aussie firms hire graduates about a year before they graduate. Meaning career fairs and interviews are mostly in March-May each year, with positions filled for the following year. This way, alotof people would have secured their positions before they officially graduate. Being an international student, I'm not eligible to apply until I get my permanent residency. But I can't apply for PR till after graduation. Meaning most of the positions'd have been filled up by then. Hence the usually lengthy job search process I see some of my friends go through.

With regards to whether my personality is suited to the working environment here or in any other country? I reckon its not much of a worry for me. Before coming to Melb, I might not have known whether I can hold my own against other students (international and Australian). But especially after this year, I can confidently say - no problems.. My ego's not over-inflated la, but it is indeed nice to do well in certain things I care about, both academically and in other aspects.

Some healthy self-confidence never hurts!

And now, its back to my work.. exams begin next week, though my papers begin only on the 31st. Haven't been able to stick to my mantra of "play hard work hard" cos its been more work than play for Di...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dawn / China&Australia&Malaysia

Dawn is breaking as I type this post. Yet another struggle to get through the day. People think I get through the day without sleep easily. True, most times I do, but not each time. I don't depend on coffee to stay awake. Most times its simply because I have to, hence I stay up the whole night.

Does that mean I'm inefficient? Maybe, to an extent. I'm a night person and somehow always feel sluggish in the mornings. I definitely get more work done at night, when concentration levels are higher, with only the quiet night (cept for highway traffic that is) to keep me company. But when I work of course I revert to normal hours. I remember last year when I worked 8.30am-5.30pm on weekdays at Uptown. No problems reverting, but with regular yamcha sessions, the only thing which suffered was a slight lack of sleeping hours.

Talking about being efficient and all, I think about globalisation. And when we think about globalisation, I think about Malaysia, Australia and China. 3 countries which I'm closely connected to. Msia - where I'm born & where I grow up. Aus - where I am now. China - where my cultural roots are from, and which everyone is so very interested in right now.

China is a hot topic. In uni this semester, we've mentioned China so many times. I've read about the "rise of China" from different perspectives (economic, military etc). Its such a major issue for the Western world, now whenever I read news online, there's always a "China" issue. Coupla days ago, it was worries about China wishing to mine uranium in Australia (which holds 40% of world reserves). Implications and whether they'd be subjected to extra scrutiny, plus the concern that they'd abide by the agreement to not use uranium mined in Australia for weapon development purposes, BUT then that would leave their local uranium resources available for that purpose.

2 days ago, Monash uni was in the news, article about how they're networking and establishing contacts with Chinese universities. Read in somebody's blogpost that Monash is a mere middle tier uni (global ranking somewhere in the 200-300 quoting donno which survey), but I really think my uni's better than that. At least they have the foresight to look forward into the future. Besides attracting foreign students to Australia (trend is downwards actually) which they know can't continue inevitably, they're establishing research collaborations etc.

And today -- suddenly so many articles on China in the Age online. FTA between Australia and China - some concerns, an article describing China as "awakening giant", article on connecting with culture, emerging China's influence in East Asia..

All these includes issues previously discussed in INT: intellectual property rights, culture and way of doing business, competition for influence between the US and China in South East Asia / East Asia as a whole, issues of quality control, lack of resources as a limiting factor to China's growth. They're all thinking about how to deal with an emerging China/India, how to ensure domestic interests are protected..

And where does Malaysia fit in?

We're growing economically, thats a definite. But I keep looking at us as being left behind, while everyone's moving forward in the globalised era. Thats the reason why I blog less about situations in Malaysia (politics/social). Look at whats been the big issues these 2 years. Listen to what the people-in-charge have to say? Has anything been resolved? Are the really important measures prioritised? Issues such as economic measures in the face of the 2 rising Asian giants (China and India)?

Some of the issues I read about just make me go "???". AP is neverending issue, PM Badawi seems so quiet, don't really hear him speaking out about the country's direction (at least not while I'm here la), NEP concerns, "hugging in public", keris-waving actions etc.. other issues are trivial and meaningless. Hardly expected from any "thriving democratic country".

Why can't we focus on the issues that really matter? Bread and butter issues, corruption, inequality issues, corporate governance, transparency, social indicators of growth, public safety (robberies & rampant snatch thefts are too common to be on the news these days).. With GST set to be implemented in 2007, are we going to be prepared? Then, everything's gonna cost another 5%. Costs of living already high enough as it is.

Have we moved forward in recent years? Economically, yes. Socially -- No. Common courtesy is still sorely lacking. Public apathy is healthy and alive. One important issue for rakyat -- their security when walking on the street. That's definitely deteriorated. Is the poor still poor? Yes. Does the public care about general cleanliness (on the streets etc) - no. Am I still very extremely careful with my bags and wallet when I'm in PJ/KL - yes.

So many ppl I talk to these days can't be bothered about all these issues. Sometimes I think maybe I should too. But thats if we ignore globalisation's influence on our environment. Continued apathy will mean we're living in our own little world of self-denial, while the world continues to move forward.

To gain or lose from globalisation? You decide.

Ending, everything ending soon...

*Yesterday was Desiyah's final meeting. Yupp its finally (sortof) ended. We're in the process of liquidation, but we're not going to have anymore formal meetings. So now its all finance stuff to settle. Sales have (almost) officially ended, and the rest are free to focus on their exams. Except me that is, unfortunately... Annual report's not completed yet, even awards submissions aren't done, but the rest of 'em all seem so relieved just to get through the program. Seems that they're all not bothered bout awards submission. Imo its the final and vital parts of the program. What a shame if we choose to just throw in the towel now.. Even the final meeting didn't really feel like a final meeting. A significant number of absentees, and everyone just eager to leave.

*I've got my own time constraints though. Didn't realise till today that tax law is my first paper. Mistakenly thought it was on the 4th Nov, and when K.L. mentioned it today, I could only go "ohhhh". And that makes things very interesting indeed..cos now the paper's in a week plus, and in between there's still alot to be done..

*Still owing Tony 2 assignments, this week and next.. During the quiz yesterday, he announced the tutes were all cancelled, to give him more time to mark our stuff. Very efficient he is, cos less than 24 hours after the quiz, we've gotten individual emails on our quiz scores. Went very well, and I'm really going to miss this unit. First time I've really felt I'm actually even getting an education in university (Business courses eg accounting, tends to do this to you -- don't really require thinking skills). Sighh.. now I have to think of what elective to take next sem, preferably another International Studies unit, since its started to make me think more, and enjoy uni alot more.. Amusingly I might even end up taking all my units on Clayton campus next year..

*Listening to alot of chinese OST these days, old ones and new ones.. Found out who sang the song "老情人". Previously thought it was someone else, but its 欧阳霏霏. Last weekend when electricity was cut at home, in the middle of the night at 1plus, it was soooo nice just leaving the music playing in my (dark) room -- comp on battery la. This's where my HUGE room window comes in handy, with just enough lighting from the outside to create the right atmosphere.

*Over the weekend, someone asked me a very interesting question. An off the cuff spontaneous question, but something I've never seriously thought about. Maybe its true, when they say 当局者迷.. Give me some time to think about it okay?...

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Dragged myself off to lecture at 7 plus in the morning. Couldn't help but nod off during the long lecture on paradigms, philosophical choices (in accounting theory) and the various approaches to accounting theory. Fortunately this was the last lecture on acc theory, with only the exam briefing next week. After tute at 12pm, realised my blurness -- left my wallet at home (seriously this's the 4th time or so this year!) and so had to waste more time going home to retrieve it, in case I needed my ID for the presentation.

Now that its all over, I can talk abit about the presentation. Basically I was shortlisted for the YAA Business Person of the Year. Given a choice of 3 topics, we were to present in front of a panel of 3 judges. Had no idea who the judges were going to be. Due to so many other commitments in uni etc, hadn't really had time to prepare for the presentation.

Judging was at Powercor building in the city. Reached there at abt 2pm, and was thinking in my head "wa..everything looks so formal." The 3 judges were Sophie Morrell, someone from Powercor and another gentleman (Craig Roberts?) from Business Review Weekly. Initially thought I was going to be nervous and all, but it went really well. Perhaps unexpected, as my preparations seemed inadequate if compared to some others. After the almost half hour presentation and Q&A session, I left the Powercor building thinking "oh well it wasn't so bad"

Results will be announced at the Awards Dinner on 11th November. Winner of State (Vic) will go on to compete nationally with other reps in Sydney at the end of November. And no, I don't expect anything (especially since my flight is booked and tickets obtained for SnowWolfLake in KL for end of Nov!!). Being shortlisted is already a plus, imho.

The long day hadn't ended though, I had an appointment to see Dot (lecturer) at 5pm. Hence it was rush-rush-rush back to uni. Talked to her >40 minutes and went through my mid sem paper with her. This's the KILLER subject in Accounting. The only consolation when looking thru my mid sem paper was all the XXXs came together, mainly in Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Translation/Transaction. Some were just plain silly mistakes..sigh.. I do not wish to fail this paper (again!). Will bury myself in this unit for the exams, that is, only after I finish up all the INT work (2 more assignments and a quiz)...

In the afternoon, KarLeng suddenly called and said she was coming over to cook dinner for us (MunYee and me). Damn bahagia, especially since I was sleep-deprived and had no mood to cook. Simple dinner, with fried bee-hoon, seaweed+egg soup and some coffee and port wine to finish with.

Wish we had more times like this in Melbourne. Almost everyone I know is caught up in their own things..hence the growing distance. Takkan I say "ey we should get together more"..don't feel comfortable saying that. Hence just enjoying times like these..

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Even the carrots had to be cut into nice "flowery" shapes..

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KarLeng at work

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lookey -- biggg wok of bee-hoon

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(l-r) MunYee, Min and Amber

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Darling housemates -- Amber's from China, Min from Dae-gu.

Going to take elementary language lessons from Min. Actually I'm doing self-study, but its always better to ensure I'm on the right path (ie pronounciations) with a native speaker. Some language books aren't exactly up to date, confusing me even more..Amber's a dear, always giving me goodies, plus she's a great cook! She passed me some "weird-flavoured" tea to try -- watermelon, and vanilla flavoured green tea. Lipton's getting increasingly weird huh??

So this was my long long day. At night, lazy me didn't have to move a finger and became a mere spectator while the cooking was done. Glorious end to a good day! Even though it was tiring, managed to get everything scheduled done, wasn't late for anything, presentation went well, even the weather was fantastic (though the Age forecasted showers, they got it wrong!).

Everything went well, except for the fact my phone got flipped in the air and went "boink" when it hit the floor. Yes, the Motorola e1000. "Ouch" I went...

Wild flowers..on the way to Carnegie

In spring, there's an abundance of pretty lil' yellow flowers by the walkpath. No idea why most of it's yellow, though there are patches of white and purple ones someplaces..

A sea of flowers.. reminds me of Kerteh, Terengganu 2 years ago.. Kerteh's vast field of wild flowers, and much prettier in warmer sunlight. The photos in this post were taken around noon, sunlight was much harsher.What Australia has alot of -- clear blue skies..

Our purpose of walking to Carnegie -- Kimchi Grandma!! I love Korean food :) mwahhhhh gonna miss it when I go back..

Thursday, October 13, 2005

bpum-ta-di-b-dam..blogging at 4am again!

llllooong day tomorrow, lecture starts at 8am Thursdays (yes I know its an impossible hour) and thats why I'm still up. No point getting that short few hours of sleep me thinks.

Presentation in the afternoon, and I haven't(or rather didn't) prepared anything. I figure its all about my experience so far in the YAA program, and there isn't much I can prepare for.. lets just hope it goes well. Only a few more hours to 2.30pm!

Had a long happy chat with Min in the pantry just now. I'm going to take lessons from her in making Korean side dishes. Apparently its very simple. Plus we're going to go buy ingredients for making some soup (need to boil damn longggg type of soup). And I'm craving for some Korean food - which means a visit to "our local-friendly-Korean-restaurant-in-the-neigbouring-suburb" soon.

It isn't even 4.30am yet and already the birds are chirping (very noisy fellas they are) outside. Dawn in a little more than an hour, which means the days are getting longer in Melbourne. Weather today..oh dear.. showers and possible thunderstorm. Sigh..don't like getting caught in the rain. Not when I'm wearing formal-wear.

tdam-dy-da-dum. Nice people have been giving me goodies lately. My stash now extended to some honey-green-tea, Shin noodles from Korea (apparently it tastes different from those sold here) etc etc.... bahagia-nya..a "kamsa-hamnida" (thanks!) to all of you ppl..

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Yesterday -- my sole rest day this semester. Woke up at 9plus and had a nice breakfast at Degraves St, then we made our way to Queen Vic Market. By mid afternoon I was back home. There's no official deadlines next week, but still alot of things are happening. The MPC's AGM is coming up. Just wondering how many people are going to show up?? Will the lure of free food + tab at the Gryph Inn (the bar on campus) be enough to tempt members??

Had another meeting with the guys on Fri night. Alot of unknowns for next year, and with the founding members and almost all the ex-committee members leaving soon, next year there's gonna be a total lack of experiences to call on. Haven't decided whether I want to involve myself with the club next year or not.. since I'll be spending half my uni time in Clayton and half on my home campus (hopefully)..

Been raining on and off over the weekend and unfortunately dodgy weather looks set to continue today. sigh.. spring is like this in Melbourne. Hot cold hot cold hot cold. Now's back to wet and cold weather.. I reckon this type of weather slows my mind a 'lil. Just completed some of my filing and realised the HUGE stack of uni stuff I have to get through for exams at the end of this month -- a coupla weeks away only, in fact. Sigh seems like I need to further cut down my sleeping hours. At late nights like this, the only thing keeping me entertained is the glut of new chinese albums recently released (Stephanie Sun/LiangJingRu/ChenQiZhen/NanQuanMaMa/ZChen/Rainie/WillPan...)

Right now, I need some sleep. SiewWeng's birthday coming soon so meeting up in the morning for brunch (?), church in the afternoon.. then...back to wooooork.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

梁静茹 “丝路”

One of my fave songs now: from Fish Leong's latest album "Silk road" (?).. my mandarin is improving, hence the (current) attentiveness to lyrics..

曲:阿信 (五月天)




Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My back is killing me.. / rant rant rant

When your chair is...

^designed with ergonomics in mind... you go "aahhhh" when you sink into it.
^designed 90 degrees w/out anysort of proper support for the back... you go "aaRRghhhh" after a straight 10 hours sitting on it.

...which is what I'm currently experiencing. Gawd what would I give for my comfy "executive" chair back home. The nice big cushiony comes-with-arm-rests-and-high-back chair.

Think also make me back seriously is killing me.

And what is it with emails late at night?? Lately have been getting flurries of emails at late hours. Its depressing enough when I'm already lagging behind on my work. Next thing I have to deal with are the emails informing/requesting/blabla/important things. I'm a night-person, yes, but that doesn't mean my mood's perfect at this kind of odd hour. Send during the day la! and give me some time to think about things..

I'm blogging at 4am again. PPS is down (at least it was, when i last checked a coupla hours ago). Nowadays PPS doesn't interest me so much. Maybe its due to the same people (bloggers) who ping PPS SO SO SO often. In a day's worth of pings, the same blogger may ping PPS >4 times. Helllooo if your intention was to increase your blog traffic, its having the exact opposite effect (at least on me). If anything, it deters me from visiting their blog. Seems to me they don't have a life outside their blogs, which makes just about anything they write un-interesting as a result. Get quite bored of looking at the same names over and over and over again.

END of rant-rant-rant

^On something peculiar. For the past 2 nights when I dozed off, have dreamt about the same *person* on both occasions. So very weird. First occasion involved a case of "..passport-airport-sending me to airport..". Second occasion involved a case of "", Both times involved a sense of urgency and of relief afterwards. They say dreams reflect our subconsciousness. Premonition of things to come?

^Seriously cannot read anymore. Some fonts on my readings're really tiny. spoiling my eyes saja, reading in this bad light. Going to ZZZzz for awhile now. Have a set of pretty in-heart-shape lights in my room now, post a pic soon..

*你的关心, 谢了! 你那四年的大学都过了,祝你一帆风顺.. 我会记得加油!(习惯迟睡了,所以你就别再念了啦)(^_^)"

Monday, October 03, 2005

i need some colour.. my life.

Another long Monday today, with the board meeting in Sigma's HQ after classes today. Unfortunate souls we were today, with a train accident at the Pakenham/Cranbourne line just before 5pm. By the peak hour of 5 plus, things were still rather confusing at the station. Trains were supposed to run up to Oakleigh, with alternative transport arranged. But of course they never turn out as planned. To cut the long story short, we were late for the meeting by more than a half hour.

Meetings for Desiyah nowadays are simple matters, since we're eyeing liquidation very soon. It seems just a short while ago that we've started this program. Now that its about to end, I have this feeling I'm going to miss it next year. Meeting a group of people every week (sometimes more), deciding/planning/doing things with them.. quite memorable. The bad times we had, also the good times. Times when I really felt like quitting, and even lately when I'm seriously overwhelmed by all the work. But definitely no regrets joining this program.

This semester's probably spent most efficiently, for I've "learnt" more in one semester than I did in all my years in uni/college. Not really talking about Desiyah, more on uni. Usually we (international students) don't question anything, or form thoughts about issues. With INT, although its only been a few months, its piqued my interest in international studies. For the first time, I'm thinking of furthering studies beyond accounting.. but thats not realistically achievable in the near future (think the next 3-5 years) due to financial considerations.

anyways thats wayy in the future. too early to consider now.

988 FM is playing this promo for Jacky Cheung's Snow Wolf Lake again. Ahhhah have confirmed that I've got tickets for the show! but seating's only so-so. Sigh pay so much but sooo far away. Must remember to bring binoculars :)

Drama*update - 恶男宅急电 (Taiwan) + Shower (S.K.)
(p/s - 尉,你要的话就call ok?)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

烦烦烦 超烦吖



是蔡琴的一首歌, 歌名应该是“老情人”

一些有的没的竟把我弄烦。 真想不到。