Dragged myself off to lecture at 7 plus in the morning. Couldn't help but nod off during the long lecture on paradigms, philosophical choices (in accounting theory) and the various approaches to accounting theory. Fortunately this was the last lecture on acc theory, with only the exam briefing next week. After tute at 12pm, realised my blurness -- left my wallet at home (seriously this's the 4th time or so this year!) and so had to waste more time going home to retrieve it, in case I needed my ID for the presentation.
Now that its all over, I can talk abit about the presentation. Basically I was shortlisted for the YAA Business Person of the Year. Given a choice of 3 topics, we were to present in front of a panel of 3 judges. Had no idea who the judges were going to be. Due to so many other commitments in uni etc, hadn't really had time to prepare for the presentation.
Judging was at Powercor building in the city. Reached there at abt 2pm, and was thinking in my head "wa..everything looks so formal." The 3 judges were Sophie Morrell, someone from Powercor and another gentleman (Craig Roberts?) from Business Review Weekly. Initially thought I was going to be nervous and all, but it went really well. Perhaps unexpected, as my preparations seemed inadequate if compared to some others. After the almost half hour presentation and Q&A session, I left the Powercor building thinking "oh well it wasn't so bad"
Results will be announced at the Awards Dinner on 11th November. Winner of State (Vic) will go on to compete nationally with other reps in Sydney at the end of November. And no, I don't expect anything (especially since my flight is booked and tickets obtained for SnowWolfLake in KL for end of Nov!!). Being shortlisted is already a plus, imho.
The long day hadn't ended though, I had an appointment to see Dot (lecturer) at 5pm. Hence it was rush-rush-rush back to uni. Talked to her >40 minutes and went through my mid sem paper with her. This's the KILLER subject in Accounting. The only consolation when looking thru my mid sem paper was all the XXXs came together, mainly in Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Translation/Transaction. Some were just plain silly mistakes..sigh.. I do not wish to fail this paper (again!). Will bury myself in this unit for the exams, that is, only after I finish up all the INT work (2 more assignments and a quiz)...
In the afternoon, KarLeng suddenly called and said she was coming over to cook dinner for us (MunYee and me). Damn bahagia, especially since I was sleep-deprived and had no mood to cook. Simple dinner, with fried bee-hoon, seaweed+egg soup and some coffee and port wine to finish with.
Wish we had more times like this in Melbourne. Almost everyone I know is caught up in their own things..hence the growing distance. Takkan I say "ey we should get together more"..don't feel comfortable saying that. Hence just enjoying times like these..

Going to take elementary language lessons from Min. Actually I'm doing self-study, but its always better to ensure I'm on the right path (ie pronounciations) with a native speaker. Some language books aren't exactly up to date, confusing me even more..Amber's a dear, always giving me goodies, plus she's a great cook! She passed me some "weird-flavoured" tea to try -- watermelon, and vanilla flavoured green tea. Lipton's getting increasingly weird huh??
So this was my long long day. At night, lazy me didn't have to move a finger and became a mere spectator while the cooking was done. Glorious end to a good day! Even though it was tiring, managed to get everything scheduled done, wasn't late for anything, presentation went well, even the weather was fantastic (though the Age forecasted showers, they got it wrong!).
Everything went well, except for the fact my phone got flipped in the air and went "boink" when it hit the floor. Yes, the Motorola e1000. "Ouch" I went...
Now that its all over, I can talk abit about the presentation. Basically I was shortlisted for the YAA Business Person of the Year. Given a choice of 3 topics, we were to present in front of a panel of 3 judges. Had no idea who the judges were going to be. Due to so many other commitments in uni etc, hadn't really had time to prepare for the presentation.
Judging was at Powercor building in the city. Reached there at abt 2pm, and was thinking in my head "wa..everything looks so formal." The 3 judges were Sophie Morrell, someone from Powercor and another gentleman (Craig Roberts?) from Business Review Weekly. Initially thought I was going to be nervous and all, but it went really well. Perhaps unexpected, as my preparations seemed inadequate if compared to some others. After the almost half hour presentation and Q&A session, I left the Powercor building thinking "oh well it wasn't so bad"
Results will be announced at the Awards Dinner on 11th November. Winner of State (Vic) will go on to compete nationally with other reps in Sydney at the end of November. And no, I don't expect anything (especially since my flight is booked and tickets obtained for SnowWolfLake in KL for end of Nov!!). Being shortlisted is already a plus, imho.
The long day hadn't ended though, I had an appointment to see Dot (lecturer) at 5pm. Hence it was rush-rush-rush back to uni. Talked to her >40 minutes and went through my mid sem paper with her. This's the KILLER subject in Accounting. The only consolation when looking thru my mid sem paper was all the XXXs came together, mainly in Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Translation/Transaction. Some were just plain silly mistakes..sigh.. I do not wish to fail this paper (again!). Will bury myself in this unit for the exams, that is, only after I finish up all the INT work (2 more assignments and a quiz)...
In the afternoon, KarLeng suddenly called and said she was coming over to cook dinner for us (MunYee and me). Damn bahagia, especially since I was sleep-deprived and had no mood to cook. Simple dinner, with fried bee-hoon, seaweed+egg soup and some coffee and port wine to finish with.
Wish we had more times like this in Melbourne. Almost everyone I know is caught up in their own things..hence the growing distance. Takkan I say "ey we should get together more"..don't feel comfortable saying that. Hence just enjoying times like these..

Even the carrots had to be cut into nice "flowery" shapes..

KarLeng at work

lookey -- biggg wok of bee-hoon

(l-r) MunYee, Min and Amber

Darling housemates -- Amber's from China, Min from Dae-gu.
Going to take elementary language lessons from Min. Actually I'm doing self-study, but its always better to ensure I'm on the right path (ie pronounciations) with a native speaker. Some language books aren't exactly up to date, confusing me even more..Amber's a dear, always giving me goodies, plus she's a great cook! She passed me some "weird-flavoured" tea to try -- watermelon, and vanilla flavoured green tea. Lipton's getting increasingly weird huh??
So this was my long long day. At night, lazy me didn't have to move a finger and became a mere spectator while the cooking was done. Glorious end to a good day! Even though it was tiring, managed to get everything scheduled done, wasn't late for anything, presentation went well, even the weather was fantastic (though the Age forecasted showers, they got it wrong!).
Everything went well, except for the fact my phone got flipped in the air and went "boink" when it hit the floor. Yes, the Motorola e1000. "Ouch" I went...
Get plenty of rest and stay healthy for the finals yeah!! Feel free to buzz or just to go for a walk in the gardens to get away from the books a little.
All the best!
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