Thursday, October 13, 2005

bpum-ta-di-b-dam..blogging at 4am again!

llllooong day tomorrow, lecture starts at 8am Thursdays (yes I know its an impossible hour) and thats why I'm still up. No point getting that short few hours of sleep me thinks.

Presentation in the afternoon, and I haven't(or rather didn't) prepared anything. I figure its all about my experience so far in the YAA program, and there isn't much I can prepare for.. lets just hope it goes well. Only a few more hours to 2.30pm!

Had a long happy chat with Min in the pantry just now. I'm going to take lessons from her in making Korean side dishes. Apparently its very simple. Plus we're going to go buy ingredients for making some soup (need to boil damn longggg type of soup). And I'm craving for some Korean food - which means a visit to "our local-friendly-Korean-restaurant-in-the-neigbouring-suburb" soon.

It isn't even 4.30am yet and already the birds are chirping (very noisy fellas they are) outside. Dawn in a little more than an hour, which means the days are getting longer in Melbourne. Weather today..oh dear.. showers and possible thunderstorm. Sigh..don't like getting caught in the rain. Not when I'm wearing formal-wear.

tdam-dy-da-dum. Nice people have been giving me goodies lately. My stash now extended to some honey-green-tea, Shin noodles from Korea (apparently it tastes different from those sold here) etc etc.... bahagia-nya..a "kamsa-hamnida" (thanks!) to all of you ppl..


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