Saturday, October 29, 2005

an early-morning post again..

I can finally study for the exams.. particularly the one on Monday morning! What with all the liquidation, annual report and research for assignments, I've hardly had time to sit down and study properly. Sure, I could've done the assignments earlier, but before that, there were OTHER deadlines, which were more important. Time time time I need more of you!!

My housemates are dears, really. They've noticed my food consumption typically consists of noodles, coffee, tea, or takeaway food lately. Amusingly, some of 'em thought I wasn't even in the house during the week - proves how much I stay "hibernating" in my room being preoccupied with work. Hence yesterday two of them (non-Malaysians) made dinner (which included a really great Malaysian curry chicken!), and tonight I'm getting another meal.

damn bahagia :)

Too tired to take photos though. Haven't had much sleep over the week. Each night (and day, also) spent at my desk with the list of priorities in front of me, typically 15 hours a day if I don't step out of the house.

Surprisingly I don't get bored of my 12 hour long playlist on Media Player even though I've lost track of the times I've listened to it. Almost all are Chinese (Taiwanese) drama soundtracks, incl:
~爱情合约 (Love contract)
~战神 (Mars)
~真命天女 (Reaching for the Stars)
~恶男宅急电 (Express Boy)
~蔷薇之恋 (The Rose)

Eh I'm not watching all these dramas now, so don't nag. Although if you really want it, do let me know. I favour some of the soundtracks for particular reasons. Most contain some nice instrumental music, plus decent songs by not-so-mainstream artists, and even some really nice oldies..

Fate is a surprising thing sometimes. This week, of the times I've stepped out of the house, I've met this friend of mine each time (even met her yesterday in a relatively obscure location in Caulfield), which makes us think we're fated to meet. Its a comfortable feeling when you meet someone and just get along very well with him/her. Everything feels in sync, even though we don't share classes or anything. Very rare for me nowadays, as even close friends don't seem so "close" anymore.

I always speak of people moving on with their lives, as I grapple with the growing distances (and not only geographically, mind you). Its about time I moved on too..


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