Sunday, July 31, 2005

Melbourne Bloggers Meet..

This time, it was not postponed. Kinda last minute, but it proceeded as planned.

Met up with fellow bloggers - David, Jean, Keen and Yee Wei, at Max Brenner QV. Forgot that they have a 10% surcharge on weekends oops..

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Max Brenner sells chocolate-everything. From waffles drizzled with choc to choc dipped strawberries to fancy looking hot-choc etc etc etc. Didn't really take any pics, hopefully David will post some?

Anyways what I thought would be a at-max 2 hour meeting became a more than 4 hour meet. "pok-pek-pok-pek" for that long yepp. It got abit too chilly sitting outside so we moved on to the QV "foodcourt". Thousand apologies if we bored you guys!

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Yee Wei, Keen & David

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Di & Jean
Some things I learnt from the meet:

1. I'm not alone out there!! there are OTHERS who actually go to the Botanical Gardens of their own free will!! plus the Shrine of Remembrance =)

2. David'd be great as a high school history teacher. Instead of purely learning Malay history, his version of events are definitely more interesting. Tin - American Civil War - tinned rations - British interests in Malaya (try connecting these).

3. Predictions of exchange rate falling to RM2 = AUD 1 by.. oh darn i forgot. 2 years time was it? anyways we'll see whether that really comes true ahhah

4. Some interesting recollections of studying architecture in Msia. Small world, very small world.

What I've been busy with..

What I've been busy with: (for all you people who ask me what I've been up to - this's it)
*note - old pics

Desiyah's board meeting 20th July:
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Group picture

A much happier occasion::
A dinner was held last Friday, a mini-gathering for us housemates and some guests from Nanjing, China.

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LOTS of very nice home-cooked food.. thanks to everyone!

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Amber Min Di Rebecca and MunYee

3 of my housemates have moved on. One returned to China.. sigh its so quiet upstairs now. Kinda miss their presence as they are all very nice people, easy going and friendly (can't say the same for so many people I know)..

Been so busy lately, with alot of uni work to catch up on. Its week 11 of the YAA program now, thinking whether to go on with it. still thinking...

Lazy day out..

Of a lazy day out with the girls.. sandwiched in between busy days. Just needed a breather and this was it!

First up - lunch at Chinatown
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LeeInn & Di

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MinHui - known her since forever..

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Sunset in the city

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Bumming = great company + DVDs + food + comfy sofa. almost fell asleep on the couch due to acute lack of sleep. But a certain Korean guy made me wake up instantly hahhha

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Melbourne Bloggers Meet @ 30th July

Sorry been really blur about the dates, thought it was next week, really.. shy =)

Date: 30 July Saturday
Location: Max Brenner QV
Time: 2pm

Who can come?::
Anyone. blogger/non-blogger/blog-reader/Malaysian/non-Malaysian/family/uni-mates blahblah

Pls reply to or leave a message on my blog

It was postponed before, and I don't think i wanna postpone it again.. so rain or shine (btw its FINE weather on Sat) come!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Read this -

:: does not include a supply of money unless the money is provided as consideration for a supply that is a supply of money. (s9-10(4)) of GST Act.

also this -

Claiming input tax credits
s29-10(3) If you do not hold a tax invoice for a creditable acquisition when you give to the Commissioner a GST return for the tax period to which the input tax credit ... on the acquisition would otherwise be attributable:
(a) the input tax credit ... is not attributable to that tax period; and
(b) the input tax credit ... is attributable to the first tax period for which you give to the Commissioner a GST return at a time when you hold that tax invoice.

gibberish? thats what I had in Taxation Law lecture today.

btw the above simply means "you must have the tax invoice on hand when you file the return. Else just don't include it!".. lecturer's comment - "we can be sure whoever wrote this doesn't have English as his/her first language"

can't they just use plain simple English?? There's 3 books for this unit (case book, text book, study guide). total of at least 5000 pages o_O

Update / motorola e1000

Been too busy to blog over the week. Wed had Desiyah's first board meeting (the official first one) at Sigma Pharmaceutical's (Sigma's our main sponsor) board room at their HQ in Clayton. Apparently their place's quite large, almost went to the wrong building.. Was busy the 2 nights prior to that preparing the report and updating the costs etc.. Over the weekend was quite overwhelmed with work. Had 2 important things due - Desiyah's business plan (finance part) and presentation. Ended up got both half done and with little, if any, amount of sleep. sigh...

Just had a major presentation worth 20% assessment today, did mine on China while Ben did his on "whether globalisation is a zero-sum game?" I took the easy way out and discussed China. Ben strutted his stuff and my.. its really nice to have informal discussions in lectures and tutes for this unit - INT3015 Production, Consumerisme and the Environment in the Contemporary World. Instead of being spoon-fed and reading from books, we are discussing current issues and exchanging opinions in a very casual relaxed environment. THIS IS UNI SHOULD BE! Just proves my inadequate knowledge on many things (eg I need to update my knowledge on the -isms - capitalism, socialism, communism etc etc and stuff like the international labour movement etc)

Very busy semester this will be, with yet another law unit to take. This time - taxation law. 3 text books (incl legislation) and thousands and thousands of pages. doubt I'll go through half or even a quarter of that. Oh did I mention how expensive these books are??
AUD 250 plus O_o

Hmm the only remotely interesting thing over the last few days: got a new phone.

Motorola e1000 3G phone.

1st impressions: huge screen (its double the size of my old phone's screen!), fairly large size, nifty camera (or should I say cameras since there's 2 - internal and external), decent keypads (easier to use than expected), 5 way joystick thingy

cons (after using it for all of 3 days) -- LOW battery life. Seriously there are pros and cons. The big screen looks nice and all that but REALLY eats into battery consumption. When not in use, the phone totally goes blank-screen and I start wondering whether its on or not. I mean it is, but am used to at least the time being shown on screen..

Will take pics of it when I'm free. Have the black coloured model (which's the only colour available here at the moment). Probably post up a proper review when I've used it longer.

Price? -- nothing. Got it under a special promotion, but in a year's time, will have to fork out about $200. But that's only if I terminate my agreement. If I don't (over 24 months), the phone's FREE.

Heard the price in Malaysia's pretty steep. Anyone care to enlighten me?

Saturday, July 23, 2005

2 cents

DavidTeoh's entry on "Umno Youth says bring back NEP..." echoes the thoughts in my head. You need a university education? we need it too. I am all for policies to help the needy REGARDLESS OF RACE. But does it really happen? Continuing with all these statements whether to boost popularity at groundroots level or for any other reasons will only continue to alienate all other Malaysians who are of different race and creed from those issuing such opinions. Bangsa Malaysia? We'll only continue to move backwards. Champion of the 3rd world we are, and 3rd world we'll continue to be.

Indeed the next time when Malaysians who have chosen to permanently settle down overseas raise these comments as justification for them getting PRs, I'll be at a loss for words. During a conversation last year, a friend quipped "stay in Msia as an honest law-abiding citizen, become treated like a second class citizen. Might as well stay overseas and be treated equally (the only difference being no voting rights compared to citizens)". btw that friend now holds a PR.

more bloggers' opinions:
Oon Yeoh's "Santa Claus must go: Badawi"
Bumi 30 percent equity: how does it impact me?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Extending NEP?

Was updating myself on news back home (from The Star) when I saw these:
~ Bring back NEP, says Youth wing
~ Mukhriz: Government should extend NEP till 2020

I'll be the first to admit I don't know enough about NEP than I should. Just some idle thoughts..
First, some excerpts (in quotation marks):

"...New Economic Policy revived as part of the national development policy to protect the interest of the Malays.";
The word "protect" raises alot of questions. Protect from who? What about the interests of all other Malaysians? Indian Chinese Sikh Iban Kadazan etc etc?

" that the Malays would be empowered and not sidelined from now till the year 2020";
Why should anyone be sidelined if they develop skills and knowledge to compete on equal terms nationwide and in the global marketplace, the same with everybody else in the current world environment..

"...there must be an assurance for the Malays to be allowed to dominate selected property sectors";
Again, the word "dominate" bugs me. I'm 3rd generation Malaysian, proud to be one and still I wonder why there are such suggestions for any one race to be allowed to "dominate" certain sectors?

“We are the descendents of a race that once ruled an empire. Our people are known for its culture and resourcefulness,” he (Mukhriz) said.
So why worry about being sidelined? With Malays these days quite capable and enterprising, there shouldn't be any worries about their worth.

My first impression's that there seems to be abit of a low esteem atmosphere back there. Since there's now "meritocracy" in Malaysia, everyone gets "equal access" to education etc, the rakyat should have been competing on an equal foot. Fairness and equality comes to mind. As long as you (regardless of race/culture/background) are good enough, you won't get left behind. Why the need for special policies? Almost as if they themselves believe they are not competitive enough. If it were Chinese politicians talking about the same things (eg to protect chinese etc), I'll have the exact same opinions.

News like that disappoints me as ithighlights yet again thoughts of "we" and "them" are healthy and alive. Bangsa Malaysia? Abroad, if people ask me where I'm from, I always say "I'm Malaysian" and only adding "chinese" if they ask. Can't blame people for being cynical and disillusioned.

Am currently taking International Business and another unit related to globalisation this semester. We talk alot about the current state of affairs over the world and the impact of doing business in different countries etc. What side effects of globalisation eg pollution (countries spending 5-6% of GDP just to combat respiratory illnesses etc) worsening income gap among rich and poor etc etc..

Early this week, we were having a discussion on the hot topic of the weekend - potatoes. You see, McDonald's originally sources their potatoes (for fries) from Tasmania. About 8 weeks ago they decided to source 50% of it from New Zealand. There's a lot of big hoo-ha about the future of the agriculture/farming industry in Tasmania due to increasing amounts of imports of farm produce / vegetables etc.

Reasons for sourcing from NZ are undoubtedly economic ones. A newspaper commentator mentioned that Tassie farmers should be looking to broaden their markets (to more overseas transactions) or be more efficient and competitive compared to their global competitors. All the commentators are Aussies.

Trying to convince the public to buy Aussie produced / grown is a noble effort but if it costs more, many would make their decisions with their wallets not with their hearts. Basically this is globalisation and everyone needs to adapt, else they'll get left behind. Thats what both my lecturers have been discussing too.. the importance of continuous and on-going attainment of knowledge, self improvement and also important - flexibility.

btw, did you know onions in Coles, Woolworth's and IGA (the 3 major supermarket chains in Aus) comes from Belgium?? Thats what my lecturer enlightened us about. Apparently its cheaper to get it shipped from Europe than to source it from Victoria, due to EU's agricultural subsidies.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

APs / Expo weekend

Listening to 988 FM (Malaysian chinese radio) online now, something rather enlightening as the DJ on air has opened the airwaves to listeners' comments on the hot issue of the day - APs (Approved Permits FYI). I'd say "enlightening" cos many callers from all backgrounds are voicing out their opinions. I have this perception that most Malaysians are.. rather apathetic about current issues. I actually am glad to be proven wrong, if at least partially.

It just seems to me that many people can't be bothered about the going-ons in the country as long as it is not perceived to affect their lives. As long as they can work / shop / play / eat in relative peace, other things don't matter. I always think people should at least be aware of governance issues. Students now may not care, but wait till you start paying taxes and worrying about purchasing cars / property / shares, then these issues will suddenly seem to affect you. You'll start ranting about why the local state government needs to spend a coupla million on some unworthy project. If you do business, you'll wonder at the lack of transparency 'n tender processes (if there are any).

People are calling in voicing out alot of frustration, some are speculating, some are quoting hearsay. Someone has even had a mini-rant at our retired PM. Interesting indeed! Have rarely heard any criticism (whether constructive or not) in the media. A caller raised this : he says at least its a start to more openness / transparency in the system. He suggests other government departments follow suit..

My opinion? I think APs are inequitable. Who decides who receives APs? What kind of process is involved? Instead of handing it out to a handful of individuals (enriching them in the process sic) wouldn't it be more beneficial to have to income go directly to the government? The money could be put to better use (please no more white elephants though!) such as building more schools, improving healthcare access and something close to my heart - building & maintaining good public libraries for all levels of society. We really are a deprived lot when it comes to having community libraries. If it exists, the facade looks nice but the core is filled with old outdated books which arouse little, if any interest in reading.

Enough 'bout APs..for context, go to

On other things.. my weekend began and ended with this -

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Pharmacy Southern Convention and Exhibition 16th - 18th July
Melbourne Convention Centre, corner Flinders and Spencer St.

Was there over the weekend from Sat to Mon. Managed to obtain sponsorship of the booth hence Desiyah (the YAA thingy I'm currently involved in) was present for our first test - selling our product to the public. Due to the tight schedule, production was.. to say the least - rushed. Features were added but thats yet to be finalised. Product development is ongoing as we had a lot of interesting comments and feedback from delegates and other exhibitors.

Being on the 1st level of the expo, we were rubbing shoulders with Pfizer, Sigma etc. Er.. they were all retailing drugs and we were there selling towels (towel in a bag actually)..

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(l-r) Shaz Steph Namita Julianne Di Michael John

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Our product - T-Bag (towel in a bag)!

Anyways Saturday was really tiring. Stood the whole day (we all forgot about getting a chair in the booth) from 9 plus till 5 plus. Went straight to church after that. Usually in church there's about an hour plus of worship, then preaching where we get to sit down. That day was "special" - pure worship! meaning I had to stand for another 2 hours straight. It was an awesome day, but my feet just about..died on me.

One thing I liked about the expo was that many of the exhibitors were very approachable. Friendly and open to us going around showing off our product. Since the crowd was quite small (compared to past years') instead of waiting for people to drop by our booth (which was quite unlikely unless they happened to walk past) we decided to take turns going round in pairs talking to whoever seemed available to listen. One exhibitor I talked to actually bought 2 hehe..

The expo organisers provided lunch daily, with hot beverages manned by a beverage counter throughout expo operating hours. The ladies opposite our booth were really nice. Things were really quiet most of the time. They offered me chocolate a coupla times. hehe "to go with your coffee" which was really nice of them. With our dedicated (and lolly-loving) MD Steph around, we were never really gonna run short of chocs and lollies! Literally had a stash of foodstuff in a sandbucket thingy.

Instead of a stuffy meeting on Monday, we ended the expo weekend with dinner at La Porchetta.
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Last thoughts on expo.. was very rushed but am glad we participated. Besides opportunities to sell more, it prepares us for the REAL trade expo at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre next month. From all aspects incl booth deco, layout, sales methods, handling of cash procedures, manpower etc, we're sortof had a "trial run" where there were no judges or mystery buyers. We've had an opportunity our competing YAA teams did not have. So hopefully we'll be more than ready when the next expo comes around.

For more information on Desiyah, click here.
For info on YAA's Business Skills Program, click here.

oops gotta run. There's a board meeting later and some stuff to be settled..

Saturday, July 16, 2005

mini-rant plus Opera Hse & Harbour Bridge pics

Been a coupla days since I got's been really busy hence this blog's pretty lifeless of late.. Will be at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre this weekend till Monday afternoon busy with the pharmacy expo as part of Desiyah's activities.. will promote & sell our T-bag (towel in a bag)..explain more when there're pics..

Sweatshop (partof manufacturing) was yesterday, but it was kinda disappointing with the lack of others' participation.. the whole of finance team is now doubling up as manufacturing department. Now finance-related activities have hardly progressed. In fact - no progress at all. This's really bad, seems to be in abit of a mess..When I wanted to hold a finance meeting, the rest were busy helping out with market surveys (marketing activities). It was a group decision to participate in the pharmacy expo but...

Crunch time this week!! with uni starting on Monday, meeting Mon night, board meeting on Wed and business plan section due Thursday, schedule's impossibly tight. Need to sort out all the inflows and outflows, payments owing and more due next month. Cheque book has been missing in action (argghhhh Westpac where's my chequebook??!!!?).. Separate costings to be done! All by Monday. Sigh... headache-nya...

No time to blog more, but there's time for pics!

okays this's not Sydney, but its my FAVE photo from the lot. you might question - 2 weeks of travelling and my fave pic is with Sylvester?!? yupp I LOVE looneytunes to bits =P
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The mandatory "tourist" shot

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If you squint you might be able to spot littly peoples ON the bridge doing "BridgeClimb"..

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Now to the details..
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The "sails" up close

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There's actually a restaurant below.

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just realized the above pic is to be viewed upright, will edit it when there's time..

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Tired of traipsing

15 days on a trip. Longest I've been away. Actually still away, going home in 2 days time. Travelling with people other than my usual travel partners LiKai Sam etc is another experience..

Today I finally tire of the trip. Bad weather has dogged us all the way since the trip started. Arriving in GoldCoast right at the beginning of their "worst weather in 20 years" was bad enough. Its been tiring trying to plan where to go / what to do when things are affected by wild weather. After only 2 days of sunshine here, its been rain rain rain gloomy dark skies rain rain rain blabla you get the idea. Today wasn't the rain - it was the wind. Gusts of winds were so bad it almost blew us off our feet. Went to Fox Studios in the morning and while they had a Sunday market on, it felt sooo unsafe as the winds almost blew the marquees away. Many stalls actually packed up and left due to the wild weather. Wanted to go up the pylon of the Bridge but gave up the idea after looking at the skies..

Quick recap of past few days: places visited - touristy places eg Circular Quay, The Rocks, Paddy's, Opera Hse... no Blue Mountains though.. cos I spent the money on something else -- climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge =) muahhah it was really expensive n blew my budget to smithereens but worth every cent!! went up on Thursday morning, with a group of 11 others.
more on it when I "properly" blog bout the trip..

Nothing really special bout trip so far..cept went for one of Hillsong Conference's (open to) public sessions at the Sydney Superdome at Olympic Park. Due to the massive number of delegates, almost couldn't get into the stadium. They set up bigscreens at the Sportscentre but I decided to stay in the queue although the organisers kept emphasizing there was only a teeny weeny chance of getting in.. Persistence paid off though! During my session there wasn't any preaching, pure worship, with Michael W Smith onstage for over an hour. Great voice that man has, and he puts it to good use too..

Another highlight... went for performance at the Opera House - Scotland the Brave at Concert Hall. A night of music and dance, complete with bagpipes and (reminiscent of Riverdance) dances.. Audience participated as well, culminating with a big singalong at the end.. Sydneysiders love their arts thats for sure judging by the enjoyment n enthusiasm showed..

Went for another concert yesterday, this time at Cockle Bay in Darling Harbour. This time its free! as part of the Winter Concert Series. Yesterday's was at the open air amphitheatre with a floating platform supporting the orchestra and the leads. This week's "Opera at the Bay" and next week's a Queen tribute. Ended VERY nicely with a fireworks finale to match Verdi I think.. very nice event, but very very cold too, due to the seabreeze.. will post pics when I get back..

Abit melancholy these days, realizing the hols are over soon. Uni beckons, and YAA stuff too.. So many things depends on soon-to-be released results. Whether I stay on or not, enrolment to be sorted out, possible interviews etc.. Haven't kept in touch with so many people for so long. Its abit weird really, the less contact, the less I miss 'em. Life just seems to go on, for everyone. So does it make a difference? to me, to them, to us?

Thats the question.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Finally got to Sydney yesterday. Staying at the YHA at Central, very convenient. After a week bumming in Gold Coast, I'm now looking forward to trying to pack as much as I can in the next coupla days. Yesterday was essentially wasted, as we idled around waiting for our flight in the afternoon and only had time to go for dinner at a place supposingly famous for porridge in Chinatown (another long wait of an hour just to get a table arghhhhh!!!!)

Sydney's first impressions - larger than Melb, but dirtier. People less friendly and transport system much more complicated. They've got buses, trains, ferries, monorails etc here. Trying to obtain transport guides proved to be a hassle. Finally picked it up at The Rock's visitor information centre. Looking at my options, at first going aww its $15 for a full day pass for trains/buses/ferries. Then realised I could get a 7day travelpass for 2 zones for $40. Took that, but unfortunately they don't sell it everywhere, could only get it from a train station just now.

Today was the rest's only day in Sydney, they've just left for the airport.. We booked separate places, MunYee and me staying at YHA and them at some awful "hotel" in the city. Apparently the pictures online were misleading and their room was in fact danky small and reallllly old. No such complaints from me though. YHA looks exactly as the pictures they offer. Would really recommend this place to anyone dropping by. Although we paid for a 6 person multi-share room, they gave us a 4 person one. My other roommates are an Austrian lass and a Chinese girl from Toronto.. We've got kitchens which (according to MY) looks like the ones in restaurants. Hahha noticed something funny-- they've got video surveillance to ensure no one steals the foods on the racks :P More bout YHA when I get the pics up..

Today basically just walked from Central to the Fish Market, had some good seafood - lobster & oysters! yummmy.. might return to sample some fish.. From there we walked to Darling Harbour, passing by the Maritime Museum etc. There were some beautiful views, especially because it was a really sunny day. Finally saw where "Passionflower" (a gelati shop @ ice-creamery) was located, right at the waterfront. Dropped by into Star City Casino as well, decent-looking (casino-ish decor) interior, but exterior.... wasn't spectacular. From Darling Harbour we took a ferry to The Rocks. The (again) long wait was under the blazing sunlight, making me dizzy on the floating platform. I shall be back though! haven't had time to properly rayau these places. Our main purpose today was "Pancake on the Rocks" at George St. Just had to try their famous pancakes before the rest went back.. Yes it looked nice, tasted okay, but at the end was SUPER muak already.. more when pics are available..

Next - a recap of GOLD COAST. Basically for the first 3 days we were there, it just didn't stop raining. Thought of going to Brisbane but had to abandon that plan when the rain was absolutely pouring in bucketloads. The largest shopping mall around(Pacific Fair) just down the road was closed due to floods, airport closed awhile. We ended up going to Australia Fair, a mall up north. But more than half the shops were closed "due to bad weather". Whoa I wonder if that ever happened in Msia??

The next coupla days was spent being "touristy" -- meaning we visited the theme parks Gold Coast is so famous for. Seaworld was first. Enjoyed the seals and dolphin shows. The dolphins were acting up cos their performing arena was "flooded" with more than 1.5metres of rain from the day before. Will try putting up videos of the seal show, really fun!

Went to Movieworld next. Did the usual - Batman/Rides/Looney Tunes stuff etc. I may not look like it but I'm such a big lover of Looney Tunes!!! had to stop myself from getting everything from the souvenir shops. Posed with BugsBunny/Daffy/Sylvester!! I feel 5 year old again =) They even had my fave Martian on 3D -Marvin the Martian! with Daffy co-starring..

Dreamworld was the one where I surprised myself. Usually I'm not such a big fan of rides. Amber can testify to that, she had so much trouble draggin me to one of the Genting rides years ago, really DRAGGED me with her hahha. That, in comparison to Dreamworld makes it even more laughable now. In Dreamworld there're lots more rides, classified into different categories according to the thrill levels.. I ended up going for some crazy ones. A week ago I'd have gone "over my dead body" before going for all that. Now, I'm learning to relax and scream my lungs out. The "high" is certainly thrilling =P

WaiKuin YuanMeng Tob and me went for the Tower of Terror first. Something like a warm up, albeit from a 120 m high tower. The ride - blasting out from a tunnel thingy, going up the tower and reversing down. All at veryyy high speed. There's hardly time to think, let alone scream. Opened my eyes wide when we were up, and saw - beautiful skkyy....

Tower of Terror - Fast Facts:
SPEED 160 kph in seven seconds propelled by electro-magnetic forces.
HEIGHT 38 storeys high
TRACK The 'L'-shaped track stretches 330 metres horizontally - or the equivalent of three football fields.
EXTREME FACTOR 100 metre vertical free-fall backward. Experience 6.5 seconds of weightlessness.

Wanted to go for it again, but the wait's agonisingly long. Tob and me headed to The Giant Drop, something like the "Spaceshot" ride in Genting but MUCH higher.

Giant Drop - Fast Facts:
HEIGHT The tallest free-falling ride in the world at 120metres (39 storeys) high.
SEATING Riders' legs dangle freely from the open air 8-seat gondolas.
STRUCTURALThe Giant Drop shares the tower that supports the Tower of Terror.What's stopping you? A sophisticated magnetic braking system stops the gondolas metres from the ground.
EXTREME FACTOR Free fall time is 5 seconds. The cruise to the top takes approximately 90 seconds.Falling 120 metres is the equivalent of falling from a 39-storey building.

The going-up part was scary. Never really crossed my mind that I'd be soooo impossibly high up. We could see much more than beyond the park. I was just going "OMG I"M CRAZY WE"RE ALL CRAZY".Worse was they let us "enjoy" the view for quite a long time (more than a minute), never knowing when its going to fall. Damn scary! but really syiok when it ended. Wanted to go for it again, cept for the long queue..

Hmm after going for the more extreme rides first we only had time for The Claw (went for the milder ones before tower of terror etc).

The Claw is the most powerful pendulum on the planet. You'll be propelled 9 stories high, swinging up to 75km/h while spinning 360 degrees. It’ll scare you to shreds!

Actually the realllly scary part was the wait in the line. Seeing people go on it, seeing how fast it went plus all the dangling legs whizzing past. I was looking forward to it surprisingly.. hahha probably the previous rides made me a lil immune.. Akin to the Pirate ship, just that your legs are dangling, swinging AND spinning in the air. Its really high up as well. At times I was seeing the scenery almost upside down, going "wooooooooooww". The harneses feel pretty secure, else I'd have qualms bout the ride since at times I'm sortof free-falling with only the harness to keep me from tumbling out.. Definitely not for the faint-hearted!!

More updates later.. the hols are whizzing by, with results out next week plus the expo to look forward to next weekend, its going to be a very busy July! Reports to be done, plans to be submitted, meetings to be held, rosters to follow.. Will need some time to just stop and catch my breath..