Melbourne Bloggers Meet..
This time, it was not postponed. Kinda last minute, but it proceeded as planned.
Met up with fellow bloggers - David, Jean, Keen and Yee Wei, at Max Brenner QV. Forgot that they have a 10% surcharge on weekends oops..


Max Brenner sells chocolate-everything. From waffles drizzled with choc to choc dipped strawberries to fancy looking hot-choc etc etc etc. Didn't really take any pics, hopefully David will post some?
Anyways what I thought would be a at-max 2 hour meeting became a more than 4 hour meet. "pok-pek-pok-pek" for that long yepp. It got abit too chilly sitting outside so we moved on to the QV "foodcourt". Thousand apologies if we bored you guys!

Yee Wei, Keen & David

Di & Jean
Some things I learnt from the meet:
1. I'm not alone out there!! there are OTHERS who actually go to the Botanical Gardens of their own free will!! plus the Shrine of Remembrance =)
2. David'd be great as a high school history teacher. Instead of purely learning Malay history, his version of events are definitely more interesting. Tin - American Civil War - tinned rations - British interests in Malaya (try connecting these).
3. Predictions of exchange rate falling to RM2 = AUD 1 by.. oh darn i forgot. 2 years time was it? anyways we'll see whether that really comes true ahhah
4. Some interesting recollections of studying architecture in Msia. Small world, very small world.
Met up with fellow bloggers - David, Jean, Keen and Yee Wei, at Max Brenner QV. Forgot that they have a 10% surcharge on weekends oops..


Max Brenner sells chocolate-everything. From waffles drizzled with choc to choc dipped strawberries to fancy looking hot-choc etc etc etc. Didn't really take any pics, hopefully David will post some?
Anyways what I thought would be a at-max 2 hour meeting became a more than 4 hour meet. "pok-pek-pok-pek" for that long yepp. It got abit too chilly sitting outside so we moved on to the QV "foodcourt". Thousand apologies if we bored you guys!

Yee Wei, Keen & David

Di & Jean
1. I'm not alone out there!! there are OTHERS who actually go to the Botanical Gardens of their own free will!! plus the Shrine of Remembrance =)
2. David'd be great as a high school history teacher. Instead of purely learning Malay history, his version of events are definitely more interesting. Tin - American Civil War - tinned rations - British interests in Malaya (try connecting these).
3. Predictions of exchange rate falling to RM2 = AUD 1 by.. oh darn i forgot. 2 years time was it? anyways we'll see whether that really comes true ahhah
4. Some interesting recollections of studying architecture in Msia. Small world, very small world.
Wah....the choc looks so yummy.
Btw, so nice to hear of another bloggers meet, far, far away.
har? they really haf surcharge? nvr knew that =X
btw..gonna curi ur pics ok? ^^
5xmon: hahh inspired by you all back in Msia =)
jean: yeap go ahead.. btw, u don't really need to buy legislation for corp law, cos can download relevant sections.
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