Wednesday, April 06, 2005

To be a good photographer? Or have good photoshop skills?

Thats the question. I believe its more important to take better pictures, than to polish over mediocre pictures with Photoshop. Sometimes it ends up looking too perfect..This opinion's coming from someone (me) who doesn't own a digicam, though I'd happily purchase one if I had the cash..

About quality pics, if one were to take 1000 pics, I'm pretty sure there'd be at least 50 decent shots. Thats quality arising from quantity.. but then again, I'm a film-toting photographer, so there's a slight hint of bitterness in this rant.. =P

Just developed some film today. Results were so-so only.. only a few shots I'm satisfied with (very fussy I am) My first attempt taking firework pictures during the Moomba festival last month was.. average. I don't really know whether I've achieved what I set out to do. The streaks of light look fine to me, no doubt some pics end up with too-thick lines, but it isn't as bad as I'd thought it would be..

talking about pics, I've also ended up today with quite a number of people-pictures (my pics rarely have ppl in it) which are quite ruined. At least 8 shots have a very serious case of camera-shake. Not my fault since I'm IN the pics, not the one taking pics!! Camera was on auto mode and its fairly bulky. Don't understand why others have difficulty handling it..maybe they're not used to its size. Spoilt heart cringes at the thought of wasted film these days..

*on other things..
Update on Melbourne weather (we're SOOoo addicted to weather updates over here): this week, temperatures ranging from mid 10s to mid 20s. Afternoon fairly warm, but now I'm rushing off to switch on the heater cos its a mere 14 degrees, or so it says on Yahoo's weather forecast.. Last week hehhe funny episode, a housemate from China couldn't sleep at night cos it was too cold. She blissfully thought it was unnecessary to buy a heater till winter arrives..I could only tell her - this is Melbourne, quirky weather and all..

Something else bugging me lately. Seems unusual, but a few calls I've made lately have been unsuccessful. A close friend hasn't been in touch for some time, and current status is uncontactable. I've started wondering - does the person still want to be friends? A friend advised last week - keep trying. But this kind of friendship's certainly not what I have in mind.

These few years I'd say I'm fairly fortunate to have stable relationships with others around me. Things are all kept simple. We meet up, we have a good time, we go home. Its only lately that I feel alot of things are changing. Is it just me, or are things no longer the same? A lot of people I know are alot busier these 2 years. Some people say - "no time la.." I keep saying - "we have to learn to make time." If I can find the time, why can't they? Else its just another excuse. Some friendships falter over time, while others strengthen. There's always a good reason for that.


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