Monday, April 04, 2005

Songster Music Forum, calla lily, Phillip Island

Promoting on behalf of a friend - the Songster Music Forum, a chinese forum about everything relating to music.

Topics so far include
  • sharing the how-to / experiences of producing music, MIDI, song-writing, difficulties of DIY productions
  • news & reviews of newly released albums
  • introducing some recording equipment (reviews I think)
  • bands / musicians can freely release their music, release info on their performances or relevant promotions..

Feel free to visit!

On something else..Came across this new breed of calla lily - Picasso Cally Lily. No specific reason, but am rather taken with this flower, probably due to it being naturally purplish whitish..

Here's a description from the patent:

Calla lily plant named `Picasso`
`Picasso` is a new variety of caIIa IiIy having a fIower with a yeIIow-orange/purpIe coIored spathe producing 1-15 fIowers per tuber. The fIower stems are about 50 cm in height. The Ieaves are green with many whitish spots and have a Ieathery texture.

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*note - image taken from Dutch Garden. I never did realise there were sooo many varieties of calla out there..

One week of hols has just passsed by again. Unplanned trips were the order of the past week, went to Phillip Island on Saturday with Joshua, Johnson, Samuel and a few others.. this time didn't bring a digicam along, so pics will have to wait! Had a fun time playing with aperture, though I've really no idea how the pictures will turn out. Looking at Joshua's ones, it should be at least decent.. It was another bright sunny day, but the sky wasn't as clear as the previous days, alot more cloudy.

After a quick lunch at San Remo, we crossed the bridge, leaving the mainland, to Phillip Island proper. First stop was Churchill Island. Bought the 3 Parks Pass for entry into Churchill Island, Koala Conservation Centre and the Penguin Parade. Got a group rate of AUD25.20. Actually didn't intend to go for the penguin parade, but because it was alot more worthwhile, we decided to go for all 3..

Churchill Island's main attraction is a restored homestead, with beautiful scenery. There're still cattle and horses grazing on its large grounds, plus a great view of the sea and the vast expanse of sky.. difficult to describe, but the skies were too vast to fill my lens..

Next stop was the Koala Conservation Centre. Actually I think most of us were only mildly interested. Koalas sleep approximately 20 (TWENTY!) hours a day. When they're in slumber, there's just nothing much to see. An accurate description of our visit there would be a "pit stop". Go in, walk the boardwalk, get up close, see all the koalas in deep slumber, get out. It was already my 3rd time seeing koalas in their natural environment, so forgive my disinterested-ness..

Next - The Nobbies! We were a little pressed for time as it was already 5pm. Made our way across the walkway, all the way to the Blowhole. Spectacular scenery yet again, with the sun already setting. I hope to get at least 2 decent shots of that =) After that we rushed off to the Penguin Parade.

Umm.. I don't think I'd really recommend going (just as others have told me before) for the parade. Weather was fantastic, breezy but not cold. However, sitting there being surrounded by hordes of Japanese girls going "kawaii neh" (meaning cute) and "so so so" (equivalent of yes) isn't such a nice setting.. I'm fairly sure we spotted less than 50 penguins. When a friend last went, she was disappointed to see only abt 200.. but 50?? Few as there were, those little fairy penguins are rather cute. They actually "huddle" (my term) together in groups of at least 5 and then waddle their way back to their burrows.. safety in numbers hehh

All in all it was a nice trip, comfy as well (really you should see for yourself the spaciousness of the Holden Commodore 3.6l) and good company which always makes a difference..

So thats the end of a busy busy week, with a terribly hectic month coming up. Just looked at my schedule of assignments and tests, only one word keeps popping into mind - BUSY!


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