Some friends think I've been sending a gazillion or so applications. I haven't la. Prob due to much lighter workload this sem, its been more of a "prepare-thyself-for-work" kindof semester. By now, its quite clear I won't be staying on in Australia. Bet it surprises many to hear that. PR's abit of a hassle since IELTS tests are fully booked out till next year and I'm not willing to wait that long hanging around doing nothing. There are options of course:
a. Return to KL, take IELTS. Return to Melbourne, apply for PR -- not very likely.
b. Return to KL.
c. Work elsewhere.
Aussie immigration rules means no PR = cannot apply for graduate jobs. But nothing stops me from applying for other jobs, s'long as its not Aussie ones. Been reading Nelson Bolles's "What Color is Your Parachute?" and the one thing that striked me - "alternatives". To have alternatives, and to know what we can offer to the organisation and not just what they can offer us. Its a book I highly recommend to job-seekers. Heartily agree with him - we have faith in God, but we can't sit there doing nothing for months and wait for God to drop a job into our laps.
Just been thinking..I'm about to graduate with an Accounting major, but I've not really considered the opportunities offered by the Big4. I've sent 4 applications as of today (regulator/bank/bank/MNC), hopefully will have some news in the coming weeks. Some have very attractive programs, and with my recent "never-say-die" attitude I think its worth spending some time applying.
May'll be a big month. Some employers from Asia are coming, mentoring for YAA's starting and major presentation + research essay + final test for Asian Studies. I've gotten a YAA group sponsored by BAE Systems and we'll be meeting at their corporate office - so nice! last year my team met in uni :( With 5 mentors from BAE and an external mentor, they seem very "up" for the program this year. Can't make it for the mentors' first meeting next week as its clashing with a workshop and an employer's event in the city. Quite ironic how everything seemed to fall on that particular Tuesday. So folks from May onwards I'll be in city from 5-7pm. (Dinner on Tuesdays anyone?)