Sunday, November 12, 2006

Back in 5 days..

Work started on Thursday. Well, it isn't really "work" type of work yet. More of briefings and "getting-to-know-each-division" sessions. Still alot of mixed feelings about this whole "coming-back-to-KL" thing...

Anyways I'll be off to Outward Bound in Lumut for 5 days so there'll be no contact with the outside world, and of course no updates.. Richard was in town for the past 2 days. Unfortunately we only managed to meetup after I finished work.. well looking on the bright side, thats better than nothing. On the less brighter side, I'm really tired. Mentally and physically. I think I'm ready to pengsan ("faint") after OBS next weekend. My arm aches from the constant careful gripping of my handbag. The constant paranoia isn't fun. People's "kiasu-ness" ain't fun too.

Everything's about money back here. One impression I had these week is "if you ain't rich - you're nothing". I often say money's a good motivator, but there's more important things in life than that. Just because a person's job isn't "prestigious/professional" doesn't mean they're worthless beings. Gawd i hope i don't become one of them. I don't like whingers, but I appear to be turning into one too, except now I don't whinge to ppl but keep it all in the head :(

Ps Chris Hill said in Melb " should surround yourself with people who are good for your heart..."