"Busy enjoying life"
October 7th was John and Rose's wedding ^_^ After the ceremony and lunch, we headed to Alexandra Gardens for a short photography session. Weather was fantastic. Skies were a wonderful shade of blue, sun was out. Perfect day for a wedding.

At the gardens..
I like this picture! (re above)
Ervina, Rose & John, David, Jason.. plus me (aka 'the hidden photographer')
After the wedding shoot I did my usual last-minute dash to the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria - International) for their annual Winter series exhibition. This year we fortunate Melburnians get to see "Picasso: Love and War". But that wasn't before I stopped to take this..
~Melbourne has an elegance I find difficult to leave behind..
More friends have visited this exhibition than I'd expected. Perhaps it was the draw of the artist, perhaps it was this..
They've obviously put alotof effort into curating this exhibition, with more than 300 works showcased interpersed with Dora Maar's works. It highlights some 10 years of Picasso's works when he was infatuated with Dora Maar, tumultuous war years as backdrop. Hence "Love and War". Might be abit quirky but I was particularly drawn to a few sketches of horses in his works, really liked those, plus La Suppliante.. Overall it was good, but wasn't "great" for me. Prefer different styles..
Oct 5th: Mey's birthday, she's the pretty lass seated 2nd from right ~
Birthday dinner at Southbank .. a great night out with the girls.
Sometimes we do stuff like these ~ in late Sept ~ dessert @ Soul Mama's
~ Di, MeiZhi, MinHui, LeeInn and Mey in a rare group pic
Espresso pot with soy on the side, passionfruit tropical cheesecake with pistachio yoghurt, mud cake (out of view) and something else :)
People've asked "so what're you busy with lately?"
As my sister'd probably say on my behalf - "Busy enjoying life" :D
Ja, mata (goodbye)
the 2nd pic looks like from tamil movie!
hai, diana-san.. busy enjoying life indeed!! ... savouring every last minute of "me-time" before you officially join the work force eh?
sore ja~
yay! Pics of the wedding!! how come neva post of urself??
take care! dont lepak till fall sick =)
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