Friday, August 06, 2004

My dog

Oh my gosh. I miss my handsomish dog. I might add, very handsome indeed. Itching to get my hands on a scanner cos I've a picture ( a *can-hold-in-your-hand type of picture) of my ah-boy.

Melbourne is cold these days. Yesterday afternoon it was about 8 degrees. At night, it falls further. The cold air is making my cough worse. I had affirmative confirmation of that thanks to some advice from my housemate, who happens to be a very well-read pastor. To my delight, I have the loan of various magazines/books of diverse issues incl photography, time, science and whatnot. Which actually leads to a big pile-up of *books-to-be-read* when I include all the arch stuff I borrowed. Oops I forgot I actually have to read my textbooks too..


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