Saturday, June 26, 2004

Football and a little more..

First things first - Spain out. Italy out. England out. And today - France out too. Euro 2004 has sure turned up some surprises. Greece in the semis?? hehhe thats why football is fun!

Have been busy meeting up with friends before I leave. This week so far only managed to watch England v Portugal on the little box. I overslept that day and by the time I grabbed the remote, it was already 70plus minutes gone. Thought it'd be a short contest but you never know.. FYI the match went into extra time, then into penalties. England seems to have no luck whatsoever when it comes to getting results from penalties.. Shall be watching the Netherlands match v Sweden later in the morning if I can stay up..Hmm I wonder if they'd be showing the finals on public tv in Melb?? Sobb I'll certainly be missing my weekly supply of live EPL matches...

Hmm my "will miss" list is pretty short actually. Won't be missing our haze. This whole week has been very hazy (I can actually smell the smoke from my living room) thanks to all the smog swept over by the wind from Sumatra/Kalimantan plus our own peat fires. Wondering when are they ever gonna do something about it since its becoming an almost-annual affair to have haze. I will miss my handsome dog though..

This'll be my last post while I'm still in KL. Haven't actually finished packing yet and I don't exactly fancy staying up the whole night to get it done..better get offline and start figuring out what I can leave out. On a serious note, I'm rather attached to my books but there's no way I can bring them over le..

Oh, one thing I'll miss - road trips. Waiting for year end when we can go off again? (I don't care where to, as long as somewhere!!) =)


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