Tuesday, June 07, 2005

tired / trains / strike / drunks / more waits

Exam was 3 hours at the Racecourse where it seemed half of Monash's population had gathered on this first "official" day of exams. My own fault for being so tired - didn't sleep last night. Didn't get much studying done either. Somehow just plodded through the mid-morning..

Trains - and the troubles associated.. yeah trains are scheduled every 15 minutes. That is - till they decide to strike in the peak morning rush hour of 7-8am. Suka-suka take industrial action. Oh, not on all lines, so happened my line was one of the "lucky" chosen ones. Some heaty debate by the union about some signal controller being forced to work with a supervisor he'd complained about (or something like that). Was an unexpected strike hence leaving commuters inconvenienced. Not me today though, but the hassle'll be in the next few days cos its expected to continue for the rest of the weekday mornings.

After finishing the exam, I came out feeling like a total klutz. Made a horrifying mistake, all due to my carelessness in ignoring one very important piece of a4 paper. Not only will it cost money, it'll most likely cost me time and effort in the near future.

Feeling down and deep inside a trough aside, I had to go for the weekly meeting at Clayton right after the paper. Today was about the elections for the interim board of directors, positions subject to review in a coupla weeks time. Got a responsibility, but a little hesitant. Unsure whether I can do as good a job as I'd want to. But a pledge to myself is -- LEARN LEARN LEARN!! Whatever I don't know, I must learn! Finance will require a lot of work (not that the rest of the depts won't).. Looking at this year's team, most of them are committed to many uni activities/roles, capabilities need not really be elaborated..

Discussion got abit lengthened. By the time we were out of Campus Centre, it was past 8.45pm. Too late for the shuttle bus and was quite tired at the prospect of waiting sommore for the Huntingdale bus - till Shawn kindly offered a ride to the station =)

I seem to waste an awful lot of time waiting for public transportation lately. Another 25 minute wait at the train station. And this is the part where I hateee "quiet-at-night" Melbourne. Station was pretty deserted.

There was this van with creeeeps going round and round making some gestures, a pretty drunk slob of a man holding a looooong conversation with this Asian student - examples of conversation "give you some adviiice boy - never have children..cackle cackle hehehe" He only let him go when the train arrived - 20 minutes later.

Struck up conversation with this Japanese girl and we ended up talking all the way from the loooong wait till Flinders St..hahha one RULE of train travel - keep a stoic face, no talking to strangers. But today I guess we were all slightly melancholy, what with exams and all..

And what was I doing in the city "late" (for Melb that is) on a Monday night?? Well I hadn't had a bite to eat since 9am and after more than 12 hours out I just needed to get a proper meal. Thinking of places to makan and when the nearest option's more than 10 stations away, that tells you HOW quiet Melbourne is at night. We went to Chinatown to grab a bite simply cos pretty much NOTHIN' ELSE is open at 10pm. Sad right?? Its not all fun here. No mamak is the crux of my ravings. Going back was another looongggggg wait. Almost fell asleep on the platform bench. No luck with the timing at ALL! I had to wait another half hour. In the cold. Yes its winter now.

Excuse my ranting and raving. Half dazed now.. potent mixture of tiredness and some looovellly Shiraz Cabernet...

i think i need to go pass out


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