Parliament Open Day - pics
No time to blog much. but there's time to post some pics - taken last Sunday when on a spur, we decided to go visit the Parliament of Victoria on Spring Street during its Open Day.

Outside.. no wide angle lens plus rushed for time (closing at 4pm) hence this hastily taken photo..

I cannot help but keep staring at their ceilings.. this's the Legislative Assembly.

Close-up of the mace's coat-of-arms.

the Parliamentary Library (this is a MUST for me in the future -- a similar library in my home would do just fine)

My fave - the Legislative Council...Ornate. Plush. Simply Magnificent. I went "woww"..esp when I looked up. And saw these...

Lastly, something special.. angels looking over the proceedings..
There's also areas for public/press viewings, the Queen's Hall, Vestibule etc. Didn't have too much time to go through everything. Surprisingly we were allowed to take photos inside. With Melbourne now facing possible terror threats, this's surprising indeed.. We had some nice pamphlets, copies of parliamentary reports were available to everyone (just grab a copy), games by some participating agencies such as the Auditor-General of Victoria etc, guides everywhere.
Foremost thought that came into my mind -- accessibility and transparency. They even teach you how to search for and download Victoria Parliamentary Debates by going to the "Hansard" link. A stenographer was volunteering her time to explain how they record the parliament sessions etc.
An apt closing sentence from a pamphlet -- It is a building for all Victorians.

Outside.. no wide angle lens plus rushed for time (closing at 4pm) hence this hastily taken photo..

I cannot help but keep staring at their ceilings.. this's the Legislative Assembly.

The current mace, dates from 1901. If it is not present, proceedings cannot commence.

Close-up of the mace's coat-of-arms.

the Parliamentary Library (this is a MUST for me in the future -- a similar library in my home would do just fine)

My fave - the Legislative Council...Ornate. Plush. Simply Magnificent. I went "woww"..esp when I looked up. And saw these...

Lastly, something special.. angels looking over the proceedings..
There's also areas for public/press viewings, the Queen's Hall, Vestibule etc. Didn't have too much time to go through everything. Surprisingly we were allowed to take photos inside. With Melbourne now facing possible terror threats, this's surprising indeed.. We had some nice pamphlets, copies of parliamentary reports were available to everyone (just grab a copy), games by some participating agencies such as the Auditor-General of Victoria etc, guides everywhere.
Foremost thought that came into my mind -- accessibility and transparency. They even teach you how to search for and download Victoria Parliamentary Debates by going to the "Hansard" link. A stenographer was volunteering her time to explain how they record the parliament sessions etc.
An apt closing sentence from a pamphlet -- It is a building for all Victorians.
Wow. I never knew it existed! Well, not so close to by in the city anyway. The detailing on the builidng is fantastic! And of course, your photos did very well to show them. Nice lighting inside too, with the sunlight diffusion and all. Must look it up and see when i can visit.
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