Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I just messed up my template. Now the entire sidebar's MIA (actually its hugging the bottom of the blog). Really I didn't do anything to it, 'cept changed my existing template to some "not-so-boring" colour. Aiseh.. must be the template-designer's fault (blame everyone else for everything!)

Its not that late now, only 1.40am, at least not late by Melbourne standards. I think my parents'd indeed freak out if I live according to my hours there. However, I'm still in KL therefore I'm still leading a "normal" life with pretty normal hours. The reason - mosquitoes.

?? I dislike mosquitoes. But they love me. They really do. Swarms of 'em love bugging me, especially when we're out on trips. I remember vividly a long evening in Pangkor where the mozzies seemed to be only attracted to me. Teri was going "Mosquitoes? What mosquitoes?" cos there were none buzzing around her. Aduh

Anyways, there are no mosquitoes in Melb. Maybe I haven't been there long enough, cos I haven't seen any, also no lizards there. The crazy Melb weather is probably a contributing factor.. As for flies, thats worth another rambling post (Swarms of 'em, abundant esp in summer, slow as tortoises, usually end up as stains on the stairs as their reactions are exceptionally slow, as they are trampled upon - unknowingly of course)

oops i got distracted again. The reason why my waking hours are normal these days are due to the irritating presence of mosquitoes - everywhere. I really can't imagine how most of my neighbours manage without mosquitoe netting. They leave the main door and windows widely opened. My house which widely resembles a rectangular box with nary an opening, seems to attract more than its fair share of mozzies. They're buzzing around incessantly, leaving bite marks here n there. How can I watch my soppy dramas or go online in peace?? THEY are the ones making me hibernate during the hols.

Sigh I feel so kesian for my dog. Yes we memang sayang him. But one night I was aghast to see him surrounded by bloated fat n full mosquitoes. In a coupla minutes I disposed of more than 20 of 'em with the back of an old slipper going "Die mosquitoe die!!" From that night on, you'd see members of my family spraying Ridsect all around the compound.. neighbours must think we're kooky..(oyah, I know all life has purpose but so far I don't know mosquitoes' purposes..do you?)

Another lil' thing in my characteristically common life. Visited PetalingStreet.org and was rewarded amply. I've discovered the whereabouts of a long lost friend - Tsewei! She's my primary school mate and its really been ages since I've had any news of her. Previously when we had our primary school reunion, she missed out. Its been a long time since we talked. Hmm donno whether she remembers me anot cos I left the school earlier.. Shall send a greeting soon..turns out she's a fellow blogger..


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