Monday, January 10, 2005

Been a long time since I last blogged, and the world has indeed changed alot in these few weeks. Tsunami related news is everywhere lately, so I don't need to blog much on that.. I happened to be watching cable news on the Sunday it happened, when the initial death toll was at 2000 plus. It then seemed that with the passing of each day, the toll doubled in number, to reach a staggering 140,000 plus..

Other than that, haven't had much to do these few weeks..Perhaps the need/want for cash this time around isn't as acute as previous years, so I'm a little lazy to work le..after all, this is my final summer break before graduating and in the many many years to come, there won't be any more long empty days to waste away, so I'll enjoy this luxury while I can =)

gtg now, update more later..


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