Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Now - I wouldn't mind a job, or two, or three.

Its a matter of getting one.

Been bumming around mindlessly for the past week plus.. Can't bring myself to seriously job search..

No job = no experience gained (in Melb)
No experience = no job

That. Is exactly my dilemma now.

My housemate is much more rajin than me in her quest for a job. Me.. walking in Melbourne Central, instead of looking for vacancies, starts to wander into Borders and spending more $$.. sigh..this is badddd.

But on the plus side, I've finally gotten a copy of *The Life of Pi* (!) ahhhah I've been waiting sooo long to lay my hands on that..and finally last week couldn't resist getting it.. =) Shall post a short review on it soon.

oop got abit distracted from today's topic. Just a little while ago, I was slightly panicking. Because I've gotten myself into an interview at 9am Wed, at a place called Moorabbin. Problem was (and very major it was too) that I have 0 (zero.zilch.nada) idea where's the place. Its for a job this weekend (unfortunately its only a 2 day job) and I've gotta be there for an interview and test. The lady called at 4 plus in the evening, and I happened to be stuck in Carnegie. I tried to sound as though I knew where the location was. She mentioned Warrigal Rd and me in my moment of blurness thought *oh that sounds familiar, there's one warrigal road in caulfield...* Then she mentioned "Its opposite the Bunnings Warehouse" and I went *Oh, right..okay..*...........

Problem is, Warrigal Road is reaaaallly longgggg. Imagine. Something like the LDP (but not as long le). It actually criss-crosses zone1 and 2. The nearest railway station from the office is more than 3km away - Cheltenham.

Arhhhhhh I went in my mind (in a marvellous long unfelt state of panic)

Die die die die die. No car. No time to go rayau and find that place. Why? Because in a coupla hours I'm going on a trip and I won't be back till late at night tomorrow.

But then again. Forgot I was in Melbourne, and there's something known as public transport!
Hehhhe problem solved. After much searching using online maps and routes. I've figured out how to get there (I hope!)

Really hoping to get the job (pays well =P) and I need a reason to stay in Melbourne. Am awaiting news from another application. Last weekend, did think of going home next week if I'm not working here..

*Monash International is doing a great job here. When the semester ended I thought all activities for intl students ended. Instead, now they're even organising a Christmas lunch (a traditional one, with turkey, puddings etc) for intl students who's still in Melb. Abit early though, its on the 15th Dec. Christmas Day won't be too bad here either, I've got a dinner date =)


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