Wednesday, May 31, 2006

日本語のpost / end-of-uni-days

いま、わたしひろうかんですね。きょうろくじはんうちにかえります。こんばんにほんごのしゅちょうはにじからよじまでです。それからきのう日本語のてすとはだいがくです(?)。わたしはあしたのあさCystic Fibrosis のかいしゃにいきます。そして(わたしは)くじにうちをでます。こんしゅうのどよう日にゆすみの日です!それからどよ日のあさこうようをみます。:)


Today was a special day. 31May marks the end of my uni days. Just finished up 3 exams this week , with only one more (Japanese) sometime in June. Yeah if you want early exams, take Arts units :P So relieved to be done with the finals (well, almost) but the days ahead are filled with much uncertainty.

Offer letter from the regulator arrived in the mail yesterday. For the time being, I'm leaving it in the "Jobs" folder-box.. Mentioned in a previous post that I took a break from studying and applied for the big "S" company on Sunday night. Much to my surprise, I got a response the day after. Efficient innit? I've scheduled the interview with the company in bout 2 weeks time. Recruitment this time's done via their Australian office. Will see how things turn out.. This position's also based in KL.

I've previously said I'd be back to KL, but "the only thing constant in change is change itself". Fickle-minded-me might change my mind bout where I'm heading after graduation.

Plans as of today - casual work till late July (possibly till early August if I get into the 2nd project). If I go back for a quick break (as in stay on in Melb), was thinking of heading to Thailand for a short-term volunteering placement. Either teach English or work in eco-tourism (also english-language related stuff eg setting up proper Eng signage & tourist brochures, not tagging wild elephants le friends you all know I'm not exactly at home in the wild hah).. I don't know how many people realise this, but we have to PAY for volunteering :P yeah usually a (large) fixed program fee has to be paid in USD for a placement. Working with smaller organisations would mean the fees aren't so steep. Just a thought for now, will decide within the next coupla weeks.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Went though the same phase myself a long time ago. Good luck with yur future.

5:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

em.. Yasumi no yusumi :P i dont get some stuff u were writing tho? =)

7:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:47 pm  

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