Saturday, August 20, 2005

I just read this article - "Ong to Win Top Post, Majority in Question" (Bernama, August 19, 3.02pm)

Please please take a look. What I find seriously amusing about it is the title actually -- isn't the MCA elections held later today - 20th AUGUST? Do they have a crystal ball? Title's using very definitive words.

Now, I'm not a journalist or anyone taking mass comm. From a rakyat's perspective, this kind of headline seems misleading, especially when one is talking about elections.

A few bloggers have been discussing the run-up to the candidature for MCA president's post. I've always been interested to hear about what candidates propose to offer. After hearing about Mr Chua Jui Meng's manifesto, I checked out his website - where he outlined his vision for economic/cultural/education issues etc. Tried looking for Mr Ong Ka Ting's one but apparently its not available. Complacency in the case of the incumbent? As a common rakyat, I'd be interested to find out their personal short-term and long-term vision of issues facing the Chinese. With so many events occuring recently (keris-waving comes to mind), what I've heard so far is silence - the sound of deafening silence.


Blogger princessE said...

Good to know of a Malaysian overseas student still keeping in touch with Malaysian politics. I was like that when I was studying in Melbourne.

Agree with you on how Malaysian education system is not encouraging us to be critical thinking. Also to be blamed is our family backgrounds. I was so impressed with an IT subject I took in Melbourne whereby the whole subject is based on debates between the students and lecturer. An eye opener to know and learn how open-minded and critical-thinking they are. Malaysia should really have more of these to further develop our country. Let me see if I can suggest this to our politicians.

4:28 am  

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