Monday, February 06, 2006

Have hardly been online over the past coupla days..the hols' "routine" is followed - yamcha,sleep,watch movies, read..actually cut the "reading" part. Can't really afford to get the books I want. Book No 1 - RM89.90, Book No 2 - RM69.90. Thinner than any of my Tom Clancy novels yet so costly.. aigh.. will prob have to wait till I get back to return to my reading habits.

Speaking of going back.. only 2 weeks or so left. Eeps 2 weeks to sort out some stuff, pack and sort out my resume (which doesn't look very professional at the moment).

I need a job (in Melbourne)
I need a job (a part-time one)
I need a job (which suits my time)
and I shall get one.

But before that, I shall think about the trip. Sabah here we come!! :)


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