Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pause. Step Back. Reflect.

Have done a lot over the past 2 weeks. Chatting with a friend on IM today, I realized something. I've gotten busy to a stage where I don't even know why I'm so busy.

So its time to pause, take a step back and reflect.

This interesting article from Time caught my eye -- "The Multi-tasking Generation" with the opener....They're e-mailing, IMing and downloading while writing the history essay. What is all that digital juggling doing to kids' brains and their family life?...

I read while waiting/catching the train.
I listen to music while researching/studying.
I watch drama while waiting for the water to boil.

There's hardly any moment when I focus on only one thing. Scary huh what's happening to our lives now.. when we think properly, how many emails do we get that are ones from friends simply saying "how're u doing? whats going on in your life now?". Junk mail, mail from work, chain letters etc seem to make up the bulk of the inbox. Even when we have the capabilities for instantaneous communication, "personal" communication seems to have suffered..

on other things.. went for an interview with the Securities Commission yesterday. Mother was quite keen to hear about this opportunity - cos this meant the possibility of me working back home hahh :)

Sometimes there's so much noise in our lives we tend to get caught up in irrelevant matters. 4 years ago, I wouldn't have thought I'd be here, doing what I'm doing, meeting the people I'm meeting, learning the things I am. So -- God is good. He definitely knows what He is doing, unlike me sometimes hahh..


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