Friday, August 05, 2005

Took the bus the other day. Got delayed when a woman got onto the bus at Darling Rd, sat in the seat behind the driver's seat, (pretended to) fumble for change and after that kept bugging the driver to let her travel for free for "just" a coupla stops. Annoying person she was. Driver insisted (veryyy nicely) on her paying the fare however. Bengang-nya, she didn't want to get off the bus. Kept saying "oh but I only want to travel a few stops..oh but I don't need a single trip ticket (for $3.10 i think)" blablabla

My dear, if everyone's like you, Metlink no need to make money already la. Often international students are viewed as fare evaders but lookey, locals are at it too, perhaps even more blatant. I pay $95.80 for my ticket, you should pay too. Even if its a single trip, why should you be exempted? She finally got off the bus after refusing to get off for like 10 minutes, wasting my time saja. bleh

Norm to say I'm busy lately, though I hate saying it. August schedule looks very very full at the moment. Having such good resources (2 korean housemates) but no time to ask them to help me wth language. sigh.. being stressed + busy has triggered abit of asthma lately. Weather changes hasn't helped either. The bad thing about Melb is clinics aren't as widely available as expected. Last sem when I was really sick I called a friend to ask where were the clinics in the city, she could only name 2 and wasn't quite sure whether they open on weekends. Campus clinic's fine but its not open on weekends. When they DO open however, the wait list is long. Unless its something serious, you won't get to see the doctor that day itself. Instead you have to make an appointment. Kinda loses its purpose then, cos when I finally got to see the doc, the symptoms'd already gone.


Blogger jeanchristie said...

well my friend lent me both books for corp law so thats good.
oh yea u were sayin u were gonna tell me about the PWC thingie?

11:15 pm  
Blogger xaverri said...

hey..sorry the PWC thingy requires prior registration..

10:28 pm  

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